半-導體 Semi-conductor
A conductor is a material which ”conductor" electricity easily (such as metals).
An insulator is a material which is a very poor conductor of electricity (such as glass)
A semiconductor (such as silicon) is a material which acts like an insulator, but can behave like a conductor when it is combined with other materials.
環境中的矽 (Si in the environment)
Silicon is the second-most abundant element on the planet, after oxygen.
矽約佔地殼的 25%
Silicon makes up about 25 percent of the Earth's crust.
Silicon has good thermal conductivity.
元素週期表 (Periodic Table of Elements)
Reprinted and excerpted from Wiki
IV semiconductors: Si/Ge
三五族半導體:由三族的鋁(Al)、鎵(Ga)、銦(In)及五族的氮(N)、磷(P)、砷(As)、銻(Sb)等等組成。由於是化合物,所以組成方式非常多種,有二元的 GaN、GaAs、InP;三元的 InGaAs、InGaP;甚至四元的 InAlGaAs 或 InGaAsP
III-V semiconductors: Component by III Al/Ga/In and N/P/As/Sb. Because it is a compound, there are many ways of composition.There are binary GaN, GaAs, InP; ternary InGaAs, InGaP; even quaternary InAlGaAs or InGaAsP
矽晶體結構 Silicon Crystalline Structure
A crystal is a solid composed of atoms in a single uniform array/structure.
Each silicon atom is connected to its four nearest neighboring silicon atoms.
共價鍵(共享電子)Covalent Bond (Sharing Electron)
Many atoms including silicon like to have eight electrons in their outer orbit.
Silicon has only four outer electrons.
通過共享每個原子的 1 個電子,在兩個矽原子之間成鍵
Bonding between two Si atoms by sharing 1 electron from each atom.
氮系矽化物鍵結示意圖 Bond Pictures of N-Type Silicon
As and P have 5 valence electrons
1 個額外的電子可以穿過晶體
1 additional electron can move through the crystal
磷系矽化物鍵結示意圖 Bond Pictures of P-Type Silicon
B has 3 valence electrons.
缺少 1 個電子的空缺可以穿過晶體
1 electron is missing, a hole can move through the crystal.